Thursday, July 29, 2010

Open your eyes...

I was out kayaking the other day for the first time in a while. As I was putting my kayak in the water, I looked down and noticed this little lady sitting on some duckweed right along shore.

Awed by the beauty of the red against the green, I pulled out my camera and snapped some photos before taking off.

The thing is, while the photos turned out okay, none of them were quite the quality I was hoping for...they were either too bright or too dark, or not quite in focus. What I had hoped would be a new favorite shot of mine ended up being mediocre at best. And yeah, maybe some would say I am being to critical...but when you take photos under the mindset of blowing them up and putting them on a wall for others to see...I do have a higher standard for myself.

The other thing this made me think of was how often I reach immediately for my camera when I see certain things. It is my other set of eyes...and some would argue that I rely too much upon it. Enjoy things for what they are - after all, rarely does a photo do what we are seeing justice.

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