Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Only One Who Should Care, Doesn't. :)

I had just hopped in my car this morning to head to work, when I glanced over at one of the other cars in the driveway and happened to notice quite a cool bug...a lime green creature that looked something like a really long legged grasshopper. So, of course, I pull the care back in, park it, grab my camera from the back seat, and take a couple pictures.

A couple things went through my mind while I was doing that - one was, 'I wonder if my housemates are wondering why I am hunched over their car taking pictures through the window' (which is what it would have looked like to them), the second was, 'I wonder if the neighbor across the street is wondering what I'm doing' (one of our neighbors was outside working in his garage, and makes it his business to know what's going on even if it doesn't look like something out of the ordinary).

I did a quick, nonchalant glance around and got back in my car, and as I was driving away from the house, my mind, for whatever reason, went to, 'Logan wouldn't care - sure, he might smile at me and be amused by the fact that I'm taking pictures of bugs, but he's used to it - and knows that's just how I am.'

Which is where the title finally makes and appearance. Logan loves me for who I am, goofiness and all. I can act like a total idiot around him and he might laugh, but he'll love me all the same. The funny thing is, he's the only one whose reaction and acceptance I really care about on a deeper level - and he's the one who will meet me where I'm at and love me no matter what. It's a beautiful thing.

Then I paralleled that with the way God looks at us. When it comes right down to it, His acceptance is the only one that matters at all. It matters even more than my boyfriend's acceptance (gasp!), and God is even better at meeting us where we are. Sure, he wants us to make good choices, but we all goof up sometimes, and He's the only one that can pick us up when we fall and assure us that we're still worthwhile. The other cool thing is, when we start to realize that, when we begin to grasp how great and all encompassing His love is - we don't want to screw up anymore. We don't want to do things that we know he wouldn't like. Doesn't mean we won't still do them sometimes, but it does mean that we'll try to do them less.

It's pretty excellent, really. :)