Monday, March 2, 2009


I can hear the sound of tapping coming from the downstairs bathroom. The girls must be downstairs practicing again - and the linoleum floor in the bathroom (which is also the laundry room and the location of the big chest freezer) provides a good surface for it...not to mention a door to block out some of the noise. But, even with the door shut, they can still be heard.

It's all part of living with another family, and a family with three girls under the age of 13, no less. It's fun...and there is always something going on. Sometimes it's drums, violin, dancing, singing, music...the only sound that really seems to stick out is the occasional silence, which often seems louder than any of the other noises.

It's a lesson in living - becoming a part of another family - and learning to compromise, interact, react, and function when you're no longer on your own. But I love it.


When I was in college, one of my art classes required us to create a book of images in whatever manner we chose. At a loss for an idea that was even remotely creative, I was flipping through a notebook for one of my classes and saw a doodle I had done earlier in the week during class time. It was of the back of one of the students that sat in front of me...of their hoodie and the back of their head...a sketch of the folds and details of the fabric.

I kept the process going, calling the book 'Stolen Glances' - they were all rough pen sketches of people that I saw from day to day, none of whom knew they were being sketched. They were all very random...unspecific. I thought it would be fun to explore that same idea in a daily blog, using pictures instead of sketches, and then either write a commentary on the object and what it represents, or simply post a quote or song lyrics or the like that have to do with the photo.

With any luck, if I can keep myself accountable, the blog will be updated daily. Enjoy...